What kind of clothes should I wear to court?

Dressing appropriately for a court appearance is essential as it shows respect for the court system and can make a positive impression on the judge and court officials. Here are some general guidelines on what to wear to court:

  1. Business Attire: Opt for conservative business attire – for men, a suit or dress pants, collared shirt, tie, and dress shoes are appropriate. For women, a suit, dress, blouse with dress pants or a skirt, and closed-toe shoes are suitable.

  2. Neat and Tidy Appearance: Ensure your clothes are clean, pressed, and well-fitting. Hair should be neatly groomed, and facial hair should be trimmed. Avoid overly flashy or trendy hairstyles.

  3. Subdued Colors: Choose neutral or subdued colors such as black, navy, grey, or beige. Avoid overly bright or loud colors and bold prints, as they can be distracting.

  4. Minimal Accessories: Wear minimal and conservative accessories. Avoid large, flashy jewelry. Women should opt for small earrings, and men should remove earrings if possible.

  5. Avoid Casual Wear: Refrain from wearing casual or informal clothing such as jeans, t-shirts, shorts, sneakers, or flip-flops. Also, avoid clothing items with logos, slogans, or images.

  6. Cover Tattoos and Remove Piercings: If possible, cover visible tattoos and remove non-traditional piercings.

  7. Appropriate Outerwear: If it’s cold, wear a formal coat or jacket rather than a casual or athletic one.

  8. Courtroom Decorum: Once in the courtroom, remove hats, sunglasses, and turn off cell phones or other electronic devices.

Remember, the goal is to present a respectful and professional image. By dressing appropriately, you demonstrate to the court that you are taking the proceedings seriously, which can positively impact the judge's perception of you. If you are uncertain about what to wear, consider asking your attorney for advice based on the specific court and nature of your appearance.
